Thursday 14 August 2014

Update, It's been a while...

Wow, seems like so much time has past since I began my blog,

And somehow life has been running from me, and I'm struggling to keep up.

It terms of my diet, a lot has changed. The first, most major symptom, I have stopped gaining weight!

And, I have stopped weighing myself. But hang on, how can you tell that you have stopped gaining weight then? I can just tell, all my clothes still fit and I am eating more abundantly then ever! And I can feel that things are starting to even themselves out, my skin is clearing, I don't suffer from night sweats on any sort of sweating, I energy (for the most part) and I am just thriving.

Also, my boyfriend has cut meat and dairy out of his diet. Wowzers, this has come from the man who has lived, and I truly mean LIVED, for steak and a big ol' glass of milk (not at the same time, of course.) for all his life. Until now. So what changed?

We watched Earthlings. If you don't know what Earthlings is, then please, search it up on youtube, it will change your life. I know it did for me.

The most evident thing that has changed is my mind set. When I started this blog, I did it in the hope that I would find the day, (hopefully sooner rather than later) that I would effortlessly loose weight, feel great, and possibly even be the next 'Freelee the Banana Girl'. How vein, right? Well, I let go of that mindset long ago, I couldn't care less what I look like (within reason, I wouldn't let myself become a 500lb woman) but, If I just stayed the same as I am, I would be happy. My priority lies with the fact that I know I am not contributing anymore to animal cruelty and child hunger. And that means the world to me. I actually feel for the first time that I have purpose in life. And this has led me to question a lot of things, but mainly;

What am I doing with my life?

What am I going to become?

And I realised, that this is the time in our lives where we choose what we stand up for and believe in, and what place we take in the world, who we want to be, and what our identity is. I want to be seen as someone who loves, and is kind, and supports equality and freedom for all people and animals, and then maybe I can inspire people to look at their lives and what they believe in, and if they decide to change, then I feel like I've accomplished something, that's my purpose in life.

What's yours?

Have you ever wondered what you are REALLY meant to do, and how you are going to get there, I feel like these upcoming years are going to be very testing, mainly due to the fact that you have one shot to make something of yourself, or else.. or else??? That's the scary part, the 'or else'. What if I wasn't at Uni? What if I decided to take a different path. And although I do feel like Nutrition is still a path I want to take, is it the most full-filling path?

These are the questions that swim around my head at the moment, and I feel like I am in the midst of a lot of critical decision making. Decisions which can alter the whole course of my life, I just wish I knew the outcome in advance!

So I wanted to ask, where are you in your life? Have you made decisions which you regret, or taken a risk that has turned out wonderfully?

I'd love to know :)