Tuesday 29 April 2014

Good Morning

Good Morning (In New Zealand) 

Morning everyone, here in New Zealand it is 10:43a.m. at the moment :) 

I hope you are all having or have had a wonderful day! Today I started my day off with a big ol' glass of vitamin water! I find that it really helps to have at least 1L of water before your first meal, to help your digestion and just get you started on the right hydration foot in the morning! 

I would like to talk a little today about the issue of scientific back up for the 80:10:10 lifestyle, and how some people may think there isn't much of it floating around, it is true that a lot of people that have come to this lifestyle and advocate it openly do not have the common qualifications that are found when giving dietary advice. 

However, I am of the growing belief that science is limited. What I mean by this is that at one point it was believed that a way to cure a headache was to either smack the 'victim' on the head, or release some of their blood in an attempt to let the bad demons escape. Looking back on this ideology we can surely laugh a little about it now (and feel sorry for all the victims of the medicine in those days), however no one thought twice about it back then. 

I like to think that in another 100 or so years, humans may be laughing at all of our mistakes, which we so firmly believe in at this point in time. So in a way, even though in today's world there is not a lot of research or evidence behind 80:10:10 or veganism vs omnivorism in general, doesn't exclude the possibility that one day there might be a scientific reason behind the success of this diet.

This way of thinking has helped me to have faith in something which may not make sense to modern day science, but that so many people have been able to experience a number of health benefits from. 

This is how I view health, as much as it is a scientific subject, it is also a spiritual journey, which each individual needs to explore for themselves, to find what they best thrive on. 

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