Monday 28 April 2014


Hi everyone. Welcome to my blog! 

First off I would like to introduce myself, my name is Debbie and I live in Dunedin, New Zealand.

I have fairly recently made the switch to a vegan life style, and in particular, the 801010 lifestyle! I am not 100% raw, as I prefer having a cooked meal at the end of the day.

My inspiration for this lifestyle came definitely from Freelee the banana girl and her boyfriend, Durianrider, you can find these two inspiring individuals on you tube just type in the names above :)

I am also inspired by people in the field of nutrition as this is what I am studying at the moment, such as Dr. Libby Weaver.

I have always been a little scientist at heart and so experimenting with food (among other things) has been the centre point in my life for a long time. I have tried every diet on the market, in fact, for quite a few months I was on a protein only diet! This involved eating fish and meat or eggs with every meal! I have also tried fasting and paleo diets and I have also made the unfortunate fall into severe calorie restricting (under 1000 calories a day) all in the pursuit of being thin!

However recently I have been trying to make the mental shift from a restrictive to a more health-conscious diet and this is what led me to discover Freelee and the 801010 diet!

So follow me on my journey to find optimal health and happiness!



  1. Making a mental shift is the hardest but also the most important and the most rewarding step for any change to truly commence! Well Done! And your blogging venture looks great!

    1. Hi there, thank you so much! I agree completely some of the best times in life come from making a scary but well needed change :)
