Saturday 3 May 2014

Is 80:10:10 right for you?

Should everyone in the world eat 80:10:10?

This is a controversial subject for most people.

Being a high carb, low fat vegan makes sense to so many people in so many ways, both in terms of how they feel and the fact that this diet refuses to pay into the market of caged and abused animals. I love and respect these reasons (they are my own too!). 

However, I also understand that this diet may not be for everyone. Some people struggle to gain weight as it is, and being on this diet would see them vanish before our very eyes! Some people find the most pleasure in life from eating meat. My partner is one of these people. Now whilst I don't necessarily enjoy the smell of egg or meat or milk on his breath (no kisses please!) I'm not about to force my way of eating on him.

It wouldn't be fair on me to expect this of him, and even though, in an ideal world he would be vegan with me, I am still respectful of his choices to eat meat. I feel that, as a student studying nutrition, a one size fits all diet is quite unrealistic. 

Not to mention, people experience such a variety of symptoms coming to this diet, which just further speaks out about how much every-ones bodies are different from one another. I have extreme envy for people who are able to start eating this way and drop 40lbs just like that! I know that when I first started eating this way, it was just not the case for me. 

I remember experiencing some not so friendly symptoms as my body transitioned into my new way of eating, some of these included; 
- Night Sweats 
- Sore throats in the morning 
- Headaches 
- Bloating 

Just to name a few.. luckily, most of these have cleared up now (although it is still a work in progress) but my goodness I can imagine other people throwing in the towel after a few days of these symptoms! and who would blame them! They are a pain in the butt! For me, the only reason I pushed through was because I was determined not to go back to starving myself to be skinny, I wanted to be like freelee and durian rider, living the life of abundance! 

But I can also understand that some people might not want this, some people might look at the amount of food I eat and be repulsed! The take home message here is that everyone is different, and we all need to work on finding our own personal 'sweet spot' in which our bodies function at their optimal level and we feel absolutely fantastic! I just want to say good luck on your own personal journey's towards the best health you have ever had! 

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